Wednesday, July 28, 2010

On our way at last!

Hello everyone...I would like to tell you that we are in Ghana now, but no we are in New York. This has been a crazy couple of days so let me start back a bit... on Monday evening at about 9 PM we were told that our court date for our adoption was scheduled for Friday the 30th and we needed to be in attendance!!! Yikes....well the problem with that was the Visas! To travel to Ghana you must have a entrance visa....and visas take at a minimum 72 hours to expedite (well at least that was the quickest we could find). Well I went into a bit of a freak out mode and didn't know what to do! We could go see our babies, but how???! So working with our agency and P in Country it was decided that this constituted a travel "emergency" and that we would be able to get our visa upon arrival in Ghana. Now this is not that uncommon, however, a bit uncertain as we found out. We debated on what to do and finally booked the trip with flex tickets and our coordinator talked with immigration in Ghana and it looked like everything was okay. So we headed out this morning for the airport with knots in our stomachs and got our boarding passes out of Indy and boarding passes for the second part GHANA. Yipee! We were on the plane...New York here we come. Arriving in New York we proceeded to our gate and sat down to relax for a moment before heading out for our long flight! Then...all of a sudden....yep, there it was...."would all passengers come to the desk to have your documents checked prior to boarding" followed by "if you do not check your documents you will not be allowed to board"....YIKES....we got in line and when we got up to the desk ...completely armed with our emails from coordinator etc...we were told nope, no way...not going to happen.. I would like to tell you that the lady was nice and understanding..., but anyway....we begged, we pleaded, we explained...but NEVER did we get nasty or mean ( dont know why...but we just didnt let it rock us) Hmmm....a God thing perhaps? So anyway...she said she needed the approval on official letterhead with our passport numbers on the approval etc..and she needed it in 10 minutes or we were not going anywhere. So we just hit the floor on the side of the desk and started dialing numbers...we got a hold of our agency director and she got right on the mean time another family traveling came over and attempted to help, however, they had not heard the announcement and didnt know they had to approve the documents so we told them to just go quickly (they didnt have the visa either) and by the grace of God they got on and I would think should be soon to arrive in Ghana as I type! to admit that made me feel a bit better. So anyway....we continued to work with the lady at the desk and within 12 minutes our adoption agency had the document emailed to the Delta rep! I mean come on....this was amazing. So we could still see the plane, but they had closed the door! So after some not so gentle persuading we got the rep to go see if they would let us on and the answer was NO. close. So finally we worked with the lady and she approved us for travel tomorrow...same flight and time....just one day later. This means as soon as we get off the plane we will head directly to court! I bet we will look a mess, but thats okay.... So then we went to collect our luggage because of course they removed it when they did not allow us to board...and guess what? Dans luggage was not there! We sat and waited for 2 hours while they attempted to find his suitcase.....nope, not here...finally decided must have gone on to Ghana! LOL So that meant taking a cab to Queens to find a late night Target to buy Dan some clothes for court! Oh and also me a new suitcase, because on the way out of the airport I caught the bottom in a elevator and when I pulled on it the entire top ripped off! Crazy, Crazy day!!!! But silver lining is .....we are off to Ghana tomorrow and I am going to see my kids on Friday and I did call Delta tonight to confirm that they are going to allow us to board, we will (hope and pray) get a final decree on Friday, Dan will not have to wear his dirty clothes to court, and I got a new GIANT size suit case! Guess that is it for tonight.....Please excuse grammer, spelling, logic, sentence structure and everything else.......LOL!

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